

Die Entlassung(1942)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:剧情 / 历史
  • 语言: 德语
  • 地区: 德国
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4. 梦境/ 汤唯、裴秀智
5. 红毯先生/ 刘德华、单立文
6. 犯罪都市4/ 马东锡、金武烈
7. 神秘窥视/ 达科塔·范宁、乔治娜·坎贝尔
8. 职业杀手/ 格伦·鲍威尔、阿德里娅·阿霍纳
9. 我们一起摇太阳/ 彭昱畅、李庚希
10. 你想活出怎样的人生/ 山时聪真、菅田将晖
11. 神秘友友/ 瑞安·雷诺兹、凯莱·弗莱明
12. 野兽/ 蕾雅·赛杜、乔治·麦凯




免职原名:Die Entlassung,又名The Dismissal

The idea to make a film about Bismarck's downfall is a rather curious one because the film shows around the clock that Bismarck (Emil Jannings) tries to preserve peace and avoid a war against France and Russia on two fronts while the unlikeable, young and arrogant emperor Wilhelm II. (Werner Hinz) doesn't care and finally gets rid of Bismarck.  The film not only fits badly in th...

发布于1942年。由Wolfgang Liebeneiner执导,并且由编剧Alexander Lernet-Holenia携幕后团队创作。并于1942公映的电影。






YiQiao 2022-01-01

To what degree these prestigious assignments contributed to the new phantasmagoria of race and nation can be seen in Hunte’s knowledgeable reconstruction of eighteenth-century Stuttgart in Veit Harlan’s anti-Semitic Jud Süss (Jew Suess, 1940) and of nineteenth-century Berlin in Wolfgang Liebeneiner’s Bismarck film, *** Ent- lassung (The Dismissal, 1942). //S Hake. Popular Cinema of the Third Reich[M]p53