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Gli assassini sono nostri ospiti


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Gli assassini sono nostri ospiti又名The Killers Are Our Guests

In the **** of Milan, a brutal gang of thieves rob a jewelry shop and just manage to escape capture by the police. During the robbery one of the gang members is severely wounded and needs medical attention immediately. The thieves discover a prominent surgeon (Anthony Steffen) lives nearby, so they bust their way into his house and force the doctor to aid the wounded gangster.  ...

发布于1983年。由Vincenzo Rigo执导,并且由编剧Renato Romano、Bruno Fontana携幕后团队创作。集众多位安东尼·斯特芬、玛格丽特·李、路易吉·皮斯蒂利、詹尼·德、Giuseppe Castellano等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1983(挪威视频首映)公映的电影。


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Gli assassini sono nostri ospiti评论

paracelsus 2009-03-21

modernity(car,), stylish use of color, camera angle(12'-14'), close-ups.