迈克尔·芬德雷 Michael Findlay

迈克尔·芬德雷 Michael Findlay
  • 性别:
  • 职业:演员 / 导演 / 剪辑 / 制片人 / 编剧

迈克尔·芬德雷 Michael Findlay简介


Film-maker Michael Findlay was killed in a helicopter accident on the roof of the (then) *** Am Building in New York ****. On his way to John F Kennedy airport to connect with a Paris-bound flight, Findlay was planning to demonstrate his new 3-D camera to potential backers in France. Findlay and three other passengers were about to board the helicopter when its landing support collapsed. The helicopter fell onto one side and its spinning rotor blades decapitated Findlay and killed three other passengers. A woman on the street below was also killed when she was hit by a detached rotor blade from the helicopter.

迈克尔·芬德雷 Michael Findlay最近作品

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