菲娅·萨班 Phia Saban

菲娅·萨班 Phia Saban
  • 性别:
  • 职业:演员

菲娅·萨班 Phia Saban简介


菲安·塞班是一名女演员,因《龙**族》(2022)和《最后的王国》(2015)而闻名。菲安在电视剧《龙**族》中扮演海莱娜·坦格利安公主。自从加入Netflix和英国广播公司(***)的热门剧《最后的王国》(the Last Kingdom)的演员阵容以来,塞班也一直备受关注。在出现在一个著名的电视节目中后,菲安正在成为一个更知名的英国女演员。Phia Saban is an actress, known for House of the ****** (2022) and The Last Kingdom (2015).Phia plays Princess Helaena Targaryen in the film House of the ******.Since joining the cast of The Last Kingdom, a popular show on Netflix and the ***, Saban has also been in the spotlight.After appearing in a well-known TV show, Phia is becoming a **** well-known English actress.

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