迈克尔·J·墨菲 Michael J. Murphy

迈克尔·J·墨菲 Michael J. Murphy
  • 性别:
  • 职业:导演 / 编剧 / 制片人 / 摄影 / 剪辑

迈克尔·J·墨菲 Michael J. Murphy简介


Amongst overlooked filmmakers, British director Michael J Murphy ranks as one of the most sorely neglected. Having cut his teeth on a variety of homemade 8mm shorts, he had completed three feature-length productions by the age of eighteen. Over the next five decades, Murphy would go on to make many **** films across a variety of genres, dividing his production time between Greece, Portugal, and the UK, with family, friends, and local stage performers becoming his regular cast and crew in exchange for holidays in the sun.Despite this prolific output – a total of **** than thirty completed films over a half-century, of which twenty-six survive – Murphy's work remains rarely seen and little championed.

迈克尔·J·墨菲 Michael J. Murphy合作伙伴

迈克尔·J·墨菲 Michael J. Murphy最近作品

迈克尔·J·墨菲 Michael J. Murphy最受好评作品

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Becky Simpson、Joseph Sheahan

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Steven Longhurst、Catherine Rowlands

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